" Val Mont´s Models are exceptionally beautiful girls who simply impress by their naturaleness and grace. However, Val Mont accomplishes with his calm and unpretentious style of taking pictures that the inner beauty of the girls comes to a radiance. That makes his work unique." Willi P. 




Catherine is a " girl with a heart for words , photography and the little things in life. Globetrotter and fashion victim with a penchant for perfection ," as she describes herself in her fashion blog . You can add: It's great to see her on camera , her grace is amazing.

Catherines Bildersets:

Photo Tour (2 Sets)


When Inna stands in front of you the first time, you think she climbed right out of an Eric Rohmer movie...

Innas Bildersets:

Girl in the Park (3 Sets)


Iris invited Val Mont home to make her first experiences as a model in a HomeStory shoot.

Iriss Bildersets:

Home Story (4 Sets)


Lara is also one of Val Mont´s discoveries. Their first photoshooting - Abandoned - was right a direct hit.

Laras Bildersets:

Abandoned (2 Sets)


Lena's graceful appearance, her large, serious dark eyes are pure poetry. She worked with Val Mont to take pictures for her first comp card.

Lenas Bildersets:

Comp Card (3 Sets)


Expressive blue eyes: Liane has what many models dream of. And she wears it with a wonderfully graceful charm.



Sophie's very first shoot was a real revelation, such a charm and honest kindness in such a beautiful flawless exterior is a rare experience, especially in the modelling world. Sophie has had four shoots with Val Mont – far too few!!

Sophies Bildersets:

Missy Charm (3 Sets)


Vici ist eine von Val Monts Model-Entdeckungen, sie hatte mit ihm ihr erstes Shooting. Val Mont: "Ich sah sie auf der Straße, war sofort fasziniert von ihrer anmutigen, leicht melancholischen Schönheit. Ich gab ihr meine Karte, und am nächsten Tag schon meldete sie sich und wir hatten ein wunderschönes Shooting mit bezaubernden Ergebnissen". Bald folgte ein zweites, und es wird nicht das letzte gewesen sein.

Vicis Bildersets:

Munich Angel (5 Sets)
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